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Chesapeake Athletics



Chesapeake Athletics


Chesapeake Athletics


Team Files.

Team Expectations 2015

This forms needs to be signed by player & parent, and returned before the player can tryout.

Code of Conduct

PER SPORT: This form needs to be filled out at the beginning of each season the athlete wants to participate in. For example, if your child plays a sport in the fall, winter, and spring, they will fill out a code of conduct form and turn it in prior to the fall season, winter season, and spring season.

Pre-Participation Head Injury Form

PER SPORT: This is the Head Injury Report form. This form must be completed each time your child wants to try out for a sport. For example, if your child plays a fall sport and winter sport, they will need to fill this out and turn it in prior to trying out for the fall sport and then again the winter sport.

Parent Permission Form

PER YEAR: This is the parent permission form. This form must be completed and turned in to the athletic office prior to trying out. This form only needs to be completed once a year. So for example, if your child plays a fall sport and winter sport, you only need to turn this in before trying out for the fall sport and will not need to complete it again for the rest of the school year.

Physical Evaluation Form

PER YEAR: This is the Physical Evaluation Form. Physicals must be completed after June 1st and are good for one year. This form only needs to be filled out and turned in to the athletic office one time per year and prior to the first sport they are trying out for.

Self Transport Form

On occasion, students may be asked to self-transport to scrimmages, off –campus practices and contests. Each student athlete must be listed as a driver or passenger on the AACPS Driver Permission/ Student Self Transportation Form. This form must be signed by a parent/guardian of each student involved, the coach, the athletic director, and approved by the principal.

Season Schedule

This has been updated as of 3/10/2015.

Be sure to check out the General Files page for additional files.