Chesapeake Athletics


CoEd Varsity Indoor Track

Team News
Game Summaries (2)
CoEd Varsity Indoor Track vs. Ed Bowie Invitational
11.0 years ago
Cougars Win: 0 -
CoEd Varsity Indoor Track vs. North vs. South
11.0 years ago
Cougars Win: 0 -
News (11)

Meister, King, Colebrook, Conway girls 4x4 relay headed to States

Updated on 06/10/2022

Meister,King, Colebrook, Conway and the girls 4x400m relay punches ticket to States. Look under Team Files under the Indoor Track section

Track Information

Updated on 06/10/2022

When are time trials? Friday & Monday, November 15th & 18th at 2:30pm

Where are time trials? We will meet on the track and then head to locations by event

What do I need to bring? bring water, and dress appropriately for the weather.

What should I wear? Shorts and a t-shirt, sweatpants and sweatshirts are optional.  Make sure you have running shoes.  Basketball shoes or "tennis" shoes, boots, flip flops and sandals are NOT appropriate, those type of shoes will cause injury.

Please make sure you understand that the title "Indoor Track" is deceiving. The only part of indoor track that is actually indoors will be the meets. We will be practicing outside the majority of the time. During inclemented weather we will be practicing inside, but always be prepared to practice outside in cold weather or when it is raining. I recommend buying spandex, gloves, etc once you make the team

Time Trial Events for Friday: 100m, 1600m, 400m (If Time Allows)

                             ?   4x800 - 4 people are in a relay, each one running 800 meters                                                               
                              ?   4x400 - 4 people are in a relay, each one running 400 meters                                                               
                              ?   4x200 - 4 people are in a relay, each one running 200 meters                                                               
                              ?   55m                                                            
                              ?   55m High Hurdles                                                                  
                              ?   300m                                                                        
                              ?   500m                                                                        
                              ?   800m                                                                        
                              ?   1600m (1 mile)                                                                       
                              ?   3200m (2 miles)                                                                     
                              ?   Shotput                                                                    
                              ?   Pole Vault                                                                
                              ?   High Jump                                                                
                              ?   Long Jump (only up until county championships)                                                                       
                              ?   Triple Jump (only up until county championships)                                                                      
Where are the meets?                                                                                             

                              ?   Most meets will be held at the Prince Georges Sports and Learning Complex. Others will be held at the Baltimore Armory.         


Dont forget to complete the track survey located in Team Files Folder before try outs!!!

Ben Meister takes Gold at Ed Bowie Invite!!!

Updated on 06/10/2022

The Cougars Track distance squad had a very strong presence at the Bowie Invite on 12/12.  A very long night but a true test of perseverance for both boys and girls distance members.  Senior Ben Meister raced the boys 1600 meters with ease as he finished for the gold with a time of 4:38.59. Sophomore Jake Daubert had a great finished with a time of 4:54.24 in the boys mile for 6th place. Ben Meister then followed up with a 5th place finish in the boys 800 meters with a time of 2:08.9.  Sophomore Charles Wood pushed his way through a tough pack for a second place finish in the boys 3200 meter run with a time of 10:58.13. The boys Pole Vault team rack up some points, Sophomore Ben Colebrook took 2nd place with a vault of 8ft and 10 inches and Senior River Souder clinched 3rd place with a vault of 7ft.  The Lady Cougars had a very strong showing at the invite, Freshman Phenom  Charlotte Bader made her debut at the Ed Bowie invite taking 2nd place in the girls 3200 meter run with a time of 13:35.9. Junior Destiny Sanders vaulted her way to tie for gold with a vault of 7ft. Bader along with Senior Clara Blevins scored in the girls mile taking both 5th and 6th place.  Freshman Jordan Harrell clinched 6th place in the girls 800 meters with a time of 2:37.9.  The girls 4x200 relay team lead by Soph. JeeVonya Clark, Fresh. Tara Dedrickson, Fresh. Rachel Williams, and Senior Hannah Conway took first place in their fast paced heat but was only able to clinched 8th overall in a very fast show of competition.  

Mandatory Track Survey

Updated on 06/10/2022

Please fill out survey prior to Tryouts Nov 15. Thank you

Meister, boys Shot & girls sprint relay show big at County Championship

Updated on 06/10/2022

View results under team files in the Indoor track column

Team Shoe Night 11/25

Updated on 06/10/2022

Where: Charm City Run

1910 Towne Centre Blvd, Suite 120

Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 224-9771

When: Monday Nov. 25 2013 at 6pm

?Please complete the survey prior to this weekend. Please All attend to show our team effort.

Coach B

Mandatory Parent/Coaches Mtg Dec 5

Updated on 06/10/2022

There will be a Mandatory Parent/Coaches meeting following practice on Dec 5 in the cafeteria. There information will be handed out and parents will be able to discuss their concerns about this season. Attendance will be taken at this meeting. Practice ends at approx. 4:30. Any questions or concerns pls contact me.

Meet Results Posted!!!

Updated on 06/10/2022

Both Meet results are posted under Team Files in the Indoor Track site.

Coach B

Meet Cancelled 1/4/2014

Updated on 06/10/2022

Due to AACPS suspending all school activities for the county we will not be attending the SMAC invite this year. There will be no practice tomorrow either. As of right now Monday is still undetermined. Enjoy your weekend.

Coach B

Practice Cancelled Today 12/23!!!

Updated on 06/10/2022

Practice Today is cancelled due to the rain fall. Happy Holidays to all of you and your families and make it a very safe one. Practice will resume on Thursday the 26 3:30p to 5:30p. 

Parents and Athletes we need your help with the Boosters snack shack this season please follow this link to sign up:
So far Dec 27 1pm, 5pm and 7pm games are open
Dec 28th 1pm 5pm 7pm games are open
Jan 24 we have 5pm game to fill and a two spots for the 7pm
Feb 4 we have two spots to fill for the 7pm game 
Thank you for your support.
Coach B

Practice Saturday 12/21

Updated on 06/10/2022

Practice today is at 9am to 11am. For those that participated in last nights track meet please stay home and rest, those that are on vacation who gave notice please disregard this message. 

Coach B