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Chesapeake Athletics



Chesapeake Athletics


Chesapeake Athletics


Team News.

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 9:32AM

Possible Upcoming Workouts

We are still waiting for approval, however there is a slight change to the volleyball schedule.  We will not run with the Fall sports in October.  We would instead run with the Spring sports in November with the hopes of being able to use the gym.  Stay tuned for more information.

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 8:56AM

Stay ready for Volleyball!

This fall, BAVA offering drop in sessions and a special incoming 9th grade clinic. Please pass these links to any players that might be interested!


You can find info and registrations here:

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 11:19AM

Sad Day

Good Morning Volleyball Family,

Today is usually one of the most exciting days for me, but the world being what it is, we had to postpone the Fall sports season until further notice.  We have plans for the Fall semester and once they become final, I can share them with you.  Until then, if you have not done so, PLEASE, get your physical and sign up on Familyid when it reopens on August 17th so you can join us IF this gets approval.  Until then, stay safe and stay active!

Coach Mike Gimon

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 1:45PM

Fall Update

First - I would like to formally welcome Peter Leon Guerrero as Varsity Assistant and Kaelyn Miller as the JV Coach.  All of us will be working together to keep growing CHS volleyball.

Second - The MPSSAA has announced today (August 3, 2020) that the Fall Season is postponed.  Please follow the link to the full release:

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 9:13AM

Girls Volleyball: Program Information

Questions/concerns?  Contact Head Coach Mike Gimon at


Google Voice: ?(301) 744-9158 (text or voicemail)

Meetings and updates will be posted on our twitter page: @VolleyballChsaa

and our Google website:

You will need an AACPS login to view.


As of today, try-outs begin August 12 and will run through August 14 with practice starting Saturday August 15th.  Times will be posted shortly.

What will it take to make the team?

Returning players – What is expected of you at try-outs to make the team?

  1. Show improvement in your position of choice.
  2. Show improvement in your volleyball IQ.
  3. Show improvement in your skills.
  4. Give off positive vibes. 
  5. Show leadership.  Invite new players on to the court.  Share advice and information. Help guide new/struggling players through the try-out process and later through the season.

New players – What is expected of you at try-outs to make the team?

  1. Serve (overhand preferable)
  2. Forearm pass
  3. Be willing to take a risk, make a mistake publicly, listen to the constructive criticism to correct it and implement the advice.
  4. Give off positive vibes. Look and act like you are having fun and want to be there.
  5. Leave your cell phone on silent and in your bag.  Do not take it out without a coach’s permission until our time together is up.
  6. Go after every ball.  Give it your all-out best effort every time.
  7. Be willing to try something new.  Whether it is a position or technique.



More information to follow.  Keep up to date and come back regularly and follow us on twitter.