No team summary for this season.
2021 Try Out Information
Updated on 06/10/2022
For anyone who is interested in trying out for the 2021 Chesapeake Field Hockey team here is some information you will need to know.
For any questions or concerns you can contact Coach Stacey Mackintosh.
- Phone- 410-320-7948
- Email-
As of now our try out dates are August 11th -14th from 6am to 9am in the stadium. Teams will be determined on the 14th.
You will need to have physicals completed after June 1st and prior to the beginning of the season. You will be able to upload the paperwork to Family ID ( Family ID will open on July 1st and close on August 9th at 12pm (noon). It is important to remember that participation is not allowed without a physical. Below is the link to the forms for the physicals:
Also, for your reference here is the link to the student athletic handbook for this upcoming season:
Each athlete must be registered on FamilyID and have their physical uploaded and approved in order to participate in tryouts and this season.
We will be assessing of each of the following criteria athlete during tryouts.
- Conditioning Skills
- Endurance, speed, agility, explosiveness
- Technical skills
- Stick skills, defensive skills, attacking skills, passing
- Game Sense
- Off ball movement, communication, field vision
- Mental skills
- Attitude, work ethic, coachability
- Conduct
- Team Unity, Respect, Representation
- Conditioning Skills
Updates about meetings and information about the upcoming season can also be found on our twitter page.